¶Guido d'Arezzo, one of the most important music theorists in the Middle Ages, developed a system to help the gregorian chant singers memorize the notes of the scale. Like our notation system, the medieval musicians used letters--from A to G--to designate the different notes. The lowest note of their system was a G, and to differentiate it from the others, they used the greek letter gamma. Also like our musical system, they used nonsense syllables--what we call solfege symbols, such as do, re, and mi--to facilitate singing. The lowest note of any hexachord was called ut.

¶Eventually gamma ut, the name for low G when it is the lowest note of a hexachord, was shortened to gamut, and it is from this abbreviation that the title for this track comes. The lowest G playable by the 303s begin the work, which remains in g minor for the rest of the opening. The second section further increases the centonate nature of this work as well as playing with the chant-based origin of the title; the bass line is a quotation of the traditional dies irae chant from the requiem mass. The piece concludes with a retrograde of the beginning.

G@mut is the first work I made using ReBirth. It has no overdubs or outside effects, and uses the Standard Mod.

